Once you have made contact with us, we will invite each of you separately to a mediation information assessment meeting or MIAM. This can be in person or Online.
Think of it as a get to know each other session.
This meeting lasts up to 60 minutes and is an opportunity for me to tell you all about family mediation, what is can do and what its limitations are. I will also tell you about all the alternatives to mediation. This is not to put you off, as about 70% of people who use mediation make the decisions they need to. It is because mediation is voluntary and so it is important you decide that out of all the options available to you, you have chosen mediation as you believe it is right for you and your family.
Then it is time for you to tell me what has happened up until this point. I will ask some questions to make sure that mediation is suitable and safe and you can tell me what you would like to achieve from mediation and what important decisions need to be made.
Contact Milly for more information
07917 321230
The government offer £500 towards mediation
*subject to eligibility